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Antoine Motulsky-Falardeau

Antoine Motulsky-Falardeau


Bar Admission 2003

Bachelor of Music from Université de Montréal (B.Mus.)
Civil Law Degree from McGill University (B.C.L.)
Common Law Degree from McGill University (LL.B.)
Master of Law from Université Laval (LL.M.)

Contact Antoine Motulsky-Falardeau

Civil and Commercial Litigator since 2003, Antoine practices mainly in the following fields: dispute resolution, contracts, international law, construction law, franchise law, shareholder’s disputes, products liability, bankruptcy and insolvency, professional liability, IT and IP, insurance law and estates. He pleads before all the Quebec judicial tribunals and leads trial litigation matters in first instance and in appeal. He also intervenes in arbitration proceedings as a pleader and as an arbitrator (sole member, member or president of the tribunal), in French and in English.

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Antoine has teached Private International Law and Dispute Resolution at the Faculty of Law of Université Laval between 2014 and 2022, as well as International Arbitration at Bar School from 2021 to 2023. In 2019, he has been admitted to the Federation of Defence and Corporate Counsel. From 2019 to 2022, he served as president of the International Section of the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch. Antoine master’s thesis on the limitation of international arbitral awards won the 2015 Henri-Capitant Prize for the best private law master’s thesis in Quebec.

Currently, Antoine is a member of various community organisms: the Discipline Committee of Université Laval, the Disciplinary Regulations Review Committee of Université Laval, the Lawyer’s Fees Arbitration Committee of the Quebec Bar and the board of directors of the Carrefour international de théâtre de Québec.

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  • Services

    • Commercial Law
    • Commercial Litigation
    • Construction Law
    • Information Technology
    • Insolvency
    • Insurance Law
    • Intellectual Property
    • International Law
  • Professional activities

    My clients are large, medium and small businesses as well as government organizations and sometimes individuals dealing with potential or current civil or commercial disputes. I help my client privately or judicially resolve their dispute and negotiate deals on their behalf.

    Some of my current and recent mandates are :

    • On behalf of a public agency, lawsuit against construction professionals regarding refurbishment of a government’s building;
    • On behalf of a creditor, obtaining a national receiver according to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act;
    • On behalf of a US group, management in all Canadian jurisdictions of corporate filings and certain disputes regarding one of its business segment;
    • On behalf of a franchisor, negotiation of franchise contracts in a network of approximately 60 franchisees;
    • On behalf of the creditor of a US judgment, lawsuit in recognition and enforcement in proceedings pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
  • Lectures, publications and teaching

    • "Reconnaissance et exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères : Enjeux relatifs au voile corporatif et à la prescription" (Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards: Questions regarding Corporate Veil and Time Limitation), conference to the Quebec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, Montreal, May 11, 2023 ;
    • “Les clauses de règlement des différends" (Private Dispute Resolution Clauses), private conference, Quebec City, March 23, 2023 ;
    • "Modes privés de prévention et de règlement des différends"(Dispute Resolution), course given at the Faculty of Law of Laval University, Fall 2022 ;
    • International Arbitration, practical course teached in English at the Quebec Bar School each semester from Fall 2021 to Winter 2023 ;
    • "Prévenir un litige international : l’utilité des clauses de règlement des différends" (Preventing an International Dispute: The Use of Dispute Resolution Clauses), published by Therrien Couture Joli-Cœur L.L.P., 2020
    • "Les litiges entre actionnaires – Les clauses de règlement des différends" (Dispute Resolution Clauses in Shareholder’s Disputes), private lecture, Montreal, 2019
    • "Le règlement des différends dans les contrats internationaux" (Dispute Resolution in International Contracts), private lecture, Quebec City, 2019
    • "La prescription en droit international privé : jugements et sentences" (Limitation in Private International Law: Judgments and Arbitral Awards), lecture given to the International Section of the Quebec branch of the Canadian Bar Association, 2017
    • "Droit international privé" (Private International Law), course given at the Faculty of Law of Laval University, Winter 2015, Winter 2016 and Fall 2016
    • "Les moyens préliminaires au nouveau Code de procédure civile : une réforme discrète du droit d’agir en justice", in Sylvette Guillemard, dir., Le Code de procédure civile : Quelles nouveautés?, Yvon Blais, Cowansville, 2016
    • "Conflicts of Laws Within Conflicts of Jurisdictions: Uncharted Legal Territory in International Arbitration", lecture given to the McGill Arbitration Student Society, 2015
    • "Règlement des différends en droit privé interne et international, matières civiles et commerciales" (Dispute Resolution in Civil and Commercial Domestic and International Private Law), seminar given at the Faculty of Law of Laval University, 2015
    • "Les aspects historiques de la qualification de la prescription en droit international privé", (2014) C. de D. 829
  • Social Involvement

    In addition to my involvement in several committees of the Quebec Bar and Montreal Bar since my admission in 2003, I am involved in various committee of Université Laval and the Quebec City Chamber of Commerce and Industry. I have also been a director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of an early childhood centre from 2014 to 2018. Since 2023, I am a member of the board of directors of a international theatre festival, the Carrefour international de théâtre de Québec.


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    Business Law


    St-James Theatre

    12:30 PM to 5:30 PM

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Contact Antoine Motulsky-Falardeau