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Simone M. L. Ndiaye

Simone M. L. Ndiaye

Trademark Agent

DESS in Engineering and Valorization of Intangible Heritage of Companies, University of Marne-La-Vallée, 2004
Master's Degree in Documentation and Information Sciences, University of Paris X Nanterre, 2003

Legal Assistant

Contact Simone M. L. Ndiaye

A Trademark Agent in Montreal, Simone has developed a solid expertise in this field. She is called upon to provide strategic advice to clients to create, protect and develop their intellectual property portfolios, more specifically, their trademarks, as well as advice on defending their trademarks.

Simone represents a diverse clientele doing business in different fields and industries, in Canada, the United States and internationally.

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Rigorous and dynamic, Simone is a professional appreciated by her clients for her sense of organization and her ability to adapt to different situations.

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  • Services

    • Certification marks
    • Intellectual property due diligence
    • Preparation, filing and prosecution of trademark registrations
    • Renewal of trademark registrations
    • Trademark
    • Trademark cancellation proceedings
  • Professional activities

    I help my clients in the process of recognizing their trademark.


  • TCJ's meetings
    Business Law


    St-James Theatre

    12:30 PM to 5:30 PM

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Contact Simone M. L. Ndiaye